Q: What is a typical day like at camp?

A: Camp days are packed with many different activities and opportunities for learning, fun, and making lasting camp friendships. Some of the favorite camp activities include gaga ball, archery, low ropes, arts & crafts, swimming, and zip line. For a more detailed daily schedule, click here.

Q: Is financial aid available?

A: Yes, please read more about financial aid here.

Q: What if my child has food allergies?

A: When you arrive with your camper, everyone meets with the camp dietician to review any food allergies or dietary restrictions. The dietician works with the Kitchen staff throughout the session to make sure food allergies are accommodated as appropriate. For more information, please see our Food and Nutrition Policy here.

Q: What should I pack? Which diabetes supplies will I need?

A: Camp Nejeda supplies all blood glucose meters, test strips, low snacks, and most insulins. Our camp counselors carry meters and low treatment with them, so campers are able to go from one activity to the next without having to carry supplies around with them. If your camper uses an insulin pump, CGM, injection aid, or REUSABLE insulin pen, please bring these with you (disposable pens as well as insulin cartridges are both available at camp). For a full packing guide of all suggested items, click here.

Q: I am worried about my child getting homesick. They have never been away from home before.

A: Many of our campers have had limited experience being away from home before, so your camper won’t be the only one! You can find some helpful tips to help prepare your child here and know that the low ratio of campers to counselors combined with busy, fun-filled days all help to keep your camper involved and having fun.

Q: My child has other medications that he/she needs to take; how will they be administered? What medications need a doctor’s order?

A: Camp Nejeda prohibits campers and staff from having medication in their possession and from administering their own medication. We need you and your child's doctor to complete the Medication Administration Form to help us safely administer medicines and supplements at camp. If the nurse is to administer the medication, parental permission and a written statement from the physician prescribing the medication is required. We will accept prescriptions only if they are in their original bottle with a pharmacy label. If the current dose does not match the dose on the label you must have the prescribing physician fill out this form, otherwise, we cannot accept/dispense it. This form must also be filled out by your doctor for any non-prescription medications or necessary "dietary supplements." Please do not use the Medication Administration Form for the following medications as we keep them in stock and have a standing order from our Medical Director to administer them as needed: Insulin, Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), Calcium Carbonate (Tums), Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), Glucagon, cough drops, throat spray, Epinephrine (Epi-pen) and Maalox/ Mylanta. Please use a separate sheet for each medicine/supplement.

Q: How do campers and parents communicate while at camp?

A: Campers are encouraged to write letters and postcards to parents and other family members as often as they would like. Mail goes out daily and the campers have a period during the day to rest, read, and write home. For younger campers, having pre-addressed envelopes and postcards is helpful.  Since we do not sell stamps at camp, it is also important for parents to supply postage.


Parents also are able to send letters and postcards, packages, and emails.  Mail is delivered to the campers daily and they look forward to receiving letters from relatives and friends.  Packages are exciting for campers to receive. When sending a package please remember to send small toys, books, magazines and other items, but no food. Also, keep in mind that mail takes several days to get to us, so sending packages and letters early in the session is important. You could even send something a day or two before the camper arrives and they will get it on the first Monday of the session.


Parents may send emails to their camper through a service called BUNK1.  It is an outside vendor and they charge a registration fee and a small amount for parents and other relatives to send emails.  (Campers do not have the ability to send emails home.)  Using this service, parents also can log on daily and look at the many pictures that we upload to the Bunk1 site which is free to do. You will be able to see what we do each day and hopefully see a smiling picture of your camper. You will receive information from us about Bunk1 in the pre-camp mailing and on opening day.


The address for letters and postcards is: Camper’s Name, Camp Nejeda, PO Box 156, Stillwater, NJ, 07875.  The address for packages is: Camper’s Name, 910 Saddleback Road, Stillwater, NJ, 07875. Once you know your camper’s spec number (Health Center number), please add it to the address.


Q: Can parents call to inquire about their camper during the session?

A: Yes. For information about bloodsugars, parents may call the Health Center at 973-383-8556. Please be aware that the Health Center answers most of the day and evening except for meal and insulin times. Parents also may call the camp office and ask for the Unit Leader to see how their camper is enjoying camp and socializing. That phone number is 973-383-2611 and usually is answered from 9 to 5 except for lunch time. If you get the answering machine, please leave a message and someone should call you back within 24 hours, or try calling again.

Q: Do campers take any off-site trips during their stay at camp?

A: In 2024, campers attending 2-week sessions will again have the option to participate in a hiking trip and/or a rafting trip on the Delaware River. Both of these are day-trips and the campers are joined by our medical staff. Additionally, Session 2 campers will go on an all-day trip to Camel Beach Water Park, and all Session 3 campers will go on an all-day trip to Dorney Park.

Q: Do campers need spending money at camp?

A: Campers attending a 2-week session may bring spending money to use at the water/amusement park.


Q: Do campers have the opportunity to do laundry at camp?

A: Though campers do not have access to laundry facilities while at camp, a complimentary laundry service will be provided for all campers attending a 2-week session in 2024. The laundry service can accommodate up to five changes of clothes and four sets of towels. It will be collected on Saturday mid-session, laundered off-site, and returned on Sunday. We strongly suggest that all clothing be labeled with the camper’s name. This service is not available during one-week sessions.


In the event that a camper has an accident overnight, the Unit Leader will (discreetly!) launder soiled bedding and night clothes. Note: we do not have the ability to launder sleeping bags and there is not enough time to launder soiled items on the last day of camp.

Q: Can my child use their phone to monitor their CGM at camp?

A: Phones may be used at camp as medical devices only. SIM cards will be removed, phones will be connected to limited access wifi, and the password to the phone is changed. This allows campers to only access the lock screen where they can view their CGM number but cannot otherwise access their phone or receive other notifications. To review our full policy, click here, and for recommendations on preparing your child for this limited access to their phones, click here.

Q: Is it necessary for my camper to have a sleeping bag if I am already sending them with blankets and bedding?

A: Weather permitting, we try to arrange a sleep-out during our two-week sessions. During our one-week sessions, we also try to sleep out under the stars until around midnight depending on the weather. Therefore, if you have a sleeping bag, it would be best to bring it to camp. If you do not have a sleeping bag, we have some that can be used if needed. We do not recommend campers use the sleeping bags in the cabins instead of sheets and blankets because we do not have the facilities to launder soiled sleeping bags.


Q: Is it possible to pick my camper up during a session and then bring them back to camp? (For example: For a doctor’s appointment or special family event.)

A: Yes, we try to make arrangements for you to pick up your camper and bring them back to camp for important family functions, appointments and emergencies. We ask that parents be aware that this can be disruptive and only done when necessary. Please call the main office at 973-383-2611 and ask to speak with the Camp Director who will coordinate the specifics with you.

Q: Are counselors allowed to accept tips?

A: Yes, tips are greatly appreciated by the counselors. Most of our counselors are in high school or college and have opted to spend all or part of their summer working with our campers. There are four counselors assigned to each cabin, so splitting the tip by four is ideal. 

Q: Do I need to bring my own diabetes supplies to Family Camp?

A: Yes, families are asked to bring their own diabetes supplies. The camp will provide juice for evening low treatment, and the counselors will have backpacks stocked with glucose meters, glucose tablets and crackers for daytime low treatment.