All campers are subsidized approximately one half the true cost of camp by the Camp Nejeda Foundation.
Financial aid, or “Campership” applications are available through the registration portal. Please submit the completed form and supporting documentation as soon as possible.
Please note:
Your camper must be registered for a program BEFORE applying for financial aid.
The deadline to apply for a Campership is April 15. A complete application includes filling out the form itself AND submitting the supporting documentation. Incomplete submissions will not be considered. Applications will only be accepted after the deadline if funding allows.
If you need to submit a paper application for Financial Aid, please email
Campers may only receive a Campership for just one of our programs; BFF Camp, Family Camp, Day Camp OR Sleep-Away Camp.
You will be asked to tell us how much of the camp fees you are able to pay and for information about your income, household size and any extenuating circumstances. Full or partial campership award decisions are made based on need. The main determinants are:
Receiving SSI, Medicaid or Charity Care for your child, SNAP, TANF or other governmental assistance.
Adjusted gross household income in relation to size of household.
Recent job loss or loss/change in housing.
Newly diagnosed (Jan. 2024 or later) or first-time camper.
Other extenuating circumstances will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Campership Determination Letters are emailed to applicants on a rolling basis as the Financial Aid Committee reviews your completed application.